3. natsort API

3.1. Standard API

3.1.1. natsorted()

natsort.natsorted(seq: Iterable[T], key: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, reverse: bool = False, alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int] = <ns.DEFAULT: 0>) → List[T]

Sorts an iterable naturally.

  • seq (iterable) – The input to sort.
  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to determine how to sort each element of the iterable. It is not applied recursively. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • reverse ({{True, False}}, optional) – Return the list in reversed sorted order. The default is False.
  • alg (ns enum, optional) – This option is used to control which algorithm natsort uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see the ns class documentation. The default is ns.INT.

out – The sorted input.

Return type:


See also

Generates the key that makes natural sorting possible.
A wrapper for natsorted(seq, alg=ns.REAL).
A wrapper for natsorted(seq, alg=ns.LOCALE).
Returns the sorted indexes from natsorted.
Sort according to your operating system’s rules.


Use natsorted just like the builtin sorted:

>>> a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
>>> natsorted(a)
['num2', 'num3', 'num5']

3.1.2. The ns enum


Enum to control the natsort algorithm.

This class acts like an enum to control the natsort algorithm. The user may select several options simultaneously by or’ing the options together. For example, to choose ns.INT, ns.PATH, and ns.LOCALE, you could do ns.INT | ns.LOCALE | ns.PATH. Each function in the natsort package has an alg option that accepts this enum to allow fine control over how your input is sorted.

Each option has a shortened 1- or 2-letter form.


Please read Possible Issues with humansorted() or ns.LOCALE before using ns.LOCALE.

INT, I (default)

The default - parse numbers as integers.


Tell natsort to parse numbers as floats.

UNSIGNED, U (default)

Tell natsort to ignore any sign (i.e. “-” or “+”) to the immediate left of a number. This is the default.


Tell natsort to take into account any sign (i.e. “-” or “+”) to the immediate left of a number.


This is a shortcut for ns.FLOAT | ns.SIGNED, which is useful when attempting to sort real numbers.


Tell natsort to not search for exponents as part of a float number. For example, with NOEXP the number “5.6E5” would be interpreted as 5.6, “E”, and 5 instead of 560000.


Tell natsort to sort numbers after non-numbers. By default numbers will be ordered before non-numbers.


Tell natsort to interpret strings as filesystem paths, so they will be split according to the filesystem separator (i.e. ‘/’ on UNIX, ‘’ on Windows), as well as splitting on the file extension, if any. Without this, lists of file paths like ['Folder/', 'Folder (1)/', 'Folder (10)/'] will not be sorted properly; ‘Folder/’ will be placed at the end, not at the front. It is the same as setting the old as_path option to True.


Use the “NFKD” unicode normalization form on input rather than the default “NFD”. This will transform characters such as ‘⑦’ into ‘7’. Please see https://stackoverflow.com/a/7934397/1399279, https://stackoverflow.com/a/7931547/1399279, and https://unicode.org/reports/tr15/ for full details into unicode normalization.


Tell natsort to be locale-aware when sorting. This includes both proper sorting of alphabetical characters as well as proper handling of locale-dependent decimal separators and thousands separators. This is a shortcut for ns.LOCALEALPHA | ns.LOCALENUM. Your sorting results will vary depending on your current locale.


Tell natsort to be locale-aware when sorting, but only for alphabetical characters.


Tell natsort to be locale-aware when sorting, but only for decimal separators and thousands separators.


Tell natsort to ignore case when sorting. For example, ['Banana', 'apple', 'banana', 'Apple'] would be sorted as ['apple', 'Apple', 'Banana', 'banana'].


Tell natsort to put lowercase letters before uppercase letters when sorting. For example, ['Banana', 'apple', 'banana', 'Apple'] would be sorted as ['apple', 'banana', 'Apple', 'Banana'] (the default order would be ['Apple', 'Banana', 'apple', 'banana'] which is the order from a purely ordinal sort). Useless when used with IGNORECASE. Please note that if used with LOCALE, this actually has the reverse effect and will put uppercase first (this is because LOCALE already puts lowercase first); you may use this to your advantage if you need to modify the order returned with LOCALE.


Tell natsort to group lowercase and uppercase letters together when sorting. For example, ['Banana', 'apple', 'banana', 'Apple'] would be sorted as ['Apple', 'apple', 'Banana', 'banana']. Useless when used with IGNORECASE; use with LOWERCASEFIRST to reverse the order of upper and lower case. Generally not needed with LOCALE.


Only used when LOCALE is enabled. Tell natsort to put all capitalized words before non-capitalized words. This is essentially the inverse of GROUPLETTERS, and is the default Python sorting behavior without LOCALE.


An alias for CAPITALFIRST.


If an NaN shows up in the input, this instructs natsort to treat these as +Infinity and place them after all the other numbers. By default, an NaN be treated as -Infinity and be placed first. Note that this None is treated like NaN internally.


If you prefer to use import natsort as ns as opposed to from natsort import natsorted, ns, the ns options are available as top-level imports.

>>> import natsort as ns
>>> a = ['num5.10', 'num-3', 'num5.3', 'num2']
>>> ns.natsorted(a, alg=ns.REAL) == ns.natsorted(a, alg=ns.ns.REAL)

3.1.3. natsort_key()


The default natural sorting key.

This is the output of natsort_keygen() with default values.

See also


3.1.4. natsort_keygen()

natsort.natsort_keygen(key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int] = <ns.DEFAULT: 0>) → Callable[[Any], Tuple[Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT], ...]]

Generate a key to sort strings and numbers naturally.

This key is designed for use as the key argument to functions such as the sorted builtin.

The user may customize the generated function with the arguments to natsort_keygen, including an optional key function.

  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to manipulate the input value before parsing for numbers. It is not applied recursively. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • alg (ns enum, optional) – This option is used to control which algorithm natsort uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see the ns class documentation. The default is ns.INT.

out – A function that parses input for natural sorting that is suitable for passing as the key argument to functions such as sorted.

Return type:



natsort_keygen is a convenient way to create a custom key to sort lists in-place (for example).:

>>> a = ['num5.10', 'num-3', 'num5.3', 'num2']
>>> a.sort(key=natsort_keygen(alg=ns.REAL))
>>> a
['num-3', 'num2', 'num5.10', 'num5.3']

3.1.5. os_sort_key()


The default key to replicate your file browser’s sort order

This is the output of os_sort_keygen() with default values.

See also


3.1.6. os_sort_keygen()

natsort.os_sort_keygen(key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None) → Callable[[Any], Tuple[Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT], ...]]

Generate a sorting key to replicate your file browser’s sort order

See os_sorted() for description and caveats.

Returns:out – A function that parses input for OS path sorting that is suitable for passing as the key argument to functions such as sorted.
Return type:function


On Windows, this will implicitly coerce all inputs to str before collating.

3.2. Convenience Functions

3.2.1. os_sorted()

natsort.os_sorted(seq: Iterable[T], key: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, reverse: bool = False) → List[T]

Sort elements in the same order as your operating system’s file browser


The resulting function will generate results that will be different depending on your platform. This is intentional.

On Windows, this will sort with the same order as Windows Explorer.

On MacOS/Linux, you will get different results depending on whether or not you have pyicu installed.

  • If you have pyicu installed, you will get results that are the same as (or very close to) the same order as your operating system’s file browser.
  • If you do not have pyicu installed, then this will give the same results as if you used ns.LOCALE, ns.PATH, and ns.IGNORECASE with natsorted(). If you do not have special characters this will give correct results, but once special characters are added you should lower your expectations.

It is strongly recommended to have pyicu installed on MacOS/Linux if you want correct sort results.

It does not take into account if a path is a directory or a file when sorting.

  • seq (iterable) – The input to sort. Each element must be of type str.
  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • reverse ({{True, False}}, optional) – Return the list in reversed sorted order. The default is False.

out – The sorted input.

Return type:



This will implicitly coerce all inputs to str before collating.

3.2.2. realsorted()

natsort.realsorted(seq: Iterable[T], key: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, reverse: bool = False, alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int] = <ns.DEFAULT: 0>) → List[T]

Convenience function to properly sort signed floats.

A signed float in a string could be “a-5.7”. This is a wrapper around natsorted(seq, alg=ns.REAL).

The behavior of realsorted() for natsort version >= 4.0.0 was the default behavior of natsorted() for natsort version < 4.0.0.

  • seq (iterable) – The input to sort.
  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence. It is not applied recursively. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • reverse ({{True, False}}, optional) – Return the list in reversed sorted order. The default is False.
  • alg (ns enum, optional) – This option is used to control which algorithm natsort uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see the ns class documentation. The default is ns.REAL.

out – The sorted input.

Return type:


See also

Returns the sorted indexes from realsorted.


Use realsorted just like the builtin sorted:

>>> a = ['num5.10', 'num-3', 'num5.3', 'num2']
>>> natsorted(a)
['num2', 'num5.3', 'num5.10', 'num-3']
>>> realsorted(a)
['num-3', 'num2', 'num5.10', 'num5.3']

3.2.3. humansorted()

natsort.humansorted(seq: Iterable[T], key: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, reverse: bool = False, alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int] = <ns.DEFAULT: 0>) → List[T]

Convenience function to properly sort non-numeric characters.

This is a wrapper around natsorted(seq, alg=ns.LOCALE).

  • seq (iterable) – The input to sort.
  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence. It is not applied recursively. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • reverse ({{True, False}}, optional) – Return the list in reversed sorted order. The default is False.
  • alg (ns enum, optional) – This option is used to control which algorithm natsort uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see the ns class documentation. The default is ns.LOCALE.

out – The sorted input.

Return type:


See also

Returns the sorted indexes from humansorted.


Please read Possible Issues with humansorted() or ns.LOCALE before using humansorted.


Use humansorted just like the builtin sorted:

>>> a = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'apple', 'banana']
>>> natsorted(a)
['Apple', 'Banana', 'apple', 'banana']
>>> humansorted(a)
['apple', 'Apple', 'banana', 'Banana']

3.2.4. index_natsorted()

natsort.index_natsorted(seq: Iterable[T], key: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, reverse: bool = False, alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int] = <ns.DEFAULT: 0>) → List[int]

Determine the list of the indexes used to sort the input sequence.

Sorts a sequence naturally, but returns a list of sorted the indexes and not the sorted list itself. This list of indexes can be used to sort multiple lists by the sorted order of the given sequence.

  • seq (iterable) – The input to sort.
  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence. It is not applied recursively. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • reverse ({{True, False}}, optional) – Return the list in reversed sorted order. The default is False.
  • alg (ns enum, optional) – This option is used to control which algorithm natsort uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see the ns class documentation. The default is ns.INT.

out – The ordered indexes of the input.

Return type:



Use index_natsorted if you want to sort multiple lists by the sorted order of one list:

>>> a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
>>> b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> index = index_natsorted(a)
>>> index
[2, 0, 1]
>>> # Sort both lists by the sort order of a
>>> order_by_index(a, index)
['num2', 'num3', 'num5']
>>> order_by_index(b, index)
['baz', 'foo', 'bar']

3.2.5. index_realsorted()

natsort.index_realsorted(seq: Iterable[T], key: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, reverse: bool = False, alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int] = <ns.DEFAULT: 0>) → List[int]

This is a wrapper around index_natsorted(seq, alg=ns.REAL).

  • seq (iterable) – The input to sort.
  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence. It is not applied recursively. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • reverse ({{True, False}}, optional) – Return the list in reversed sorted order. The default is False.
  • alg (ns enum, optional) – This option is used to control which algorithm natsort uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see the ns class documentation. The default is ns.REAL.

out – The ordered indexes of the input.

Return type:



Use index_realsorted just like the builtin sorted:

>>> a = ['num5.10', 'num-3', 'num5.3', 'num2']
>>> index_realsorted(a)
[1, 3, 0, 2]

3.2.6. index_humansorted()

natsort.index_humansorted(seq: Iterable[T], key: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[natsort.utils.SupportsDunderLT, natsort.utils.SupportsDunderGT, None]]] = None, reverse: bool = False, alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int] = <ns.DEFAULT: 0>) → List[int]

This is a wrapper around index_natsorted(seq, alg=ns.LOCALE).

  • seq (iterable) – The input to sort.
  • key (callable, optional) – A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence. It is not applied recursively. It should accept a single argument and return a single value.
  • reverse ({{True, False}}, optional) – Return the list in reversed sorted order. The default is False.
  • alg (ns enum, optional) – This option is used to control which algorithm natsort uses when sorting. For details into these options, please see the ns class documentation. The default is ns.LOCALE.

out – The ordered indexes of the input.

Return type:



Please read Possible Issues with humansorted() or ns.LOCALE before using humansorted.


Use index_humansorted just like the builtin sorted:

>>> a = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'apple', 'banana']
>>> index_humansorted(a)
[2, 0, 3, 1]

3.2.7. order_by_index()

natsort.order_by_index(seq: Sequence[Any], index: Iterable[int], iter: bool = False) → Iterable[Any]

Order a given sequence by an index sequence.

The output of index_natsorted is a sequence of integers (index) that correspond to how its input sequence would be sorted. The idea is that this index can be used to reorder multiple sequences by the sorted order of the first sequence. This function is a convenient wrapper to apply this ordering to a sequence.

  • seq (sequence) – The sequence to order.
  • index (iterable) – The iterable that indicates how to order seq. It should be the same length as seq and consist of integers only.
  • iter ({{True, False}}, optional) – If True, the ordered sequence is returned as a iterator; otherwise it is returned as a list. The default is False.

out – The sequence ordered by index, as a list or as an iterator (depending on the value of iter).

Return type:

{{list, iterator}}


order_by_index is a convenience function that helps you apply the result of index_natsorted:

>>> a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
>>> b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> index = index_natsorted(a)
>>> index
[2, 0, 1]
>>> # Sort both lists by the sort order of a
>>> order_by_index(a, index)
['num2', 'num3', 'num5']
>>> order_by_index(b, index)
['baz', 'foo', 'bar']

3.2.8. Help With Bytes

The official stance of natsort is to not support bytes for sorting; there is just too much that can go wrong when trying to automate conversion between bytes and str. But rather than completely give up on bytes, natsort provides three functions that make it easy to quickly decode bytes to str so that sorting is possible.

natsort.decoder(encoding: str) → Callable[[Any], Any]

Return a function that can be used to decode bytes to unicode.

Parameters:encoding (str) – The codec to use for decoding. This must be a valid unicode codec.
Returns:A function that takes a single argument and attempts to decode it using the supplied codec. Any UnicodeErrors are raised. If the argument was not of bytes type, it is simply returned as-is.
Return type:decode_function

See also

as_ascii(), as_utf8()


>>> f = decoder('utf8')
>>> f(b'bytes') == 'bytes'
>>> f(12345) == 12345
>>> # On Python 3, without decoder this would return [b'a10', b'a2']
>>> natsorted([b'a10', b'a2'], key=decoder('utf8')) == [b'a2', b'a10']
>>> # On Python 3, without decoder this would raise a TypeError.
>>> natsorted([b'a10', 'a2'], key=decoder('utf8')) == ['a2', b'a10']
natsort.as_ascii(s: Any) → Any

Function to decode an input with the ASCII codec, or return as-is.

Parameters:s (object) –
Returns:If the input was of type bytes, the return value is a str decoded with the ASCII codec. Otherwise, the return value is identically the input.
Return type:output

See also


natsort.as_utf8(s: Any) → Any

Function to decode an input with the UTF-8 codec, or return as-is.

Parameters:s (object) –
Returns:If the input was of type bytes, the return value is a str decoded with the UTF-8 codec. Otherwise, the return value is identically the input.
Return type:output

See also


3.2.9. Help With Creating Function Keys

If you need to create a complicated key argument to (for example) natsorted() that is actually multiple functions called one after the other, the following function can help you easily perform this action. It is used internally to natsort, and has been exposed publicly for the convenience of the user.

natsort.chain_functions(functions: Iterable[Callable[[Any], Any]]) → Callable[[Any], Any]

Chain a list of single-argument functions together and return.

The functions are applied in list order, and the output of the previous functions is passed to the next function.

Parameters:functions (list) – A list of single-argument functions to chain together.
Returns:func – A single argument function.
Return type:callable


Chain several functions together!

>>> funcs = [lambda x: x * 4, len, lambda x: x + 5]
>>> func = chain_functions(funcs)
>>> func('hey')

If you need to be able to search your input for numbers using the same definition as natsort, you can do so using the following function. Given your chosen algorithm (selected using the ns enum), the corresponding regular expression to locate numbers will be returned.

natsort.numeric_regex_chooser(alg: Union[natsort.ns_enum.ns, int]) → str

Select an appropriate regex for the type of number of interest.

Parameters:alg (ns enum) – Used to indicate the regular expression to select.
Returns:regex – Regular expression string that matches the desired number type.
Return type:str

3.2.10. Help With Type Hinting

If you need to explicitly specify the types that natsort accepts or returns in your code, the following types have been exposed for your convenience.

Type Purpose
natsort.NatsortKeyType Returned by natsort.natsort_keygen(), and type of natsort.natsort_key
natsort.OSSortKeyType Returned by natsort.os_sort_keygen(), and type of natsort.os_sort_key
natsort.KeyType Type of key argument to natsort.natsorted() and natsort.natsort_keygen()
natsort.NatsortInType The input type of natsort.NatsortKeyType
natsort.NatsortOutType The output type of natsort.NatsortKeyType
natsort.NSType The type of the ns enum